As director (CHCF) Innovations California HealthCare Foundation for Underserved program designed Margaret laws "was" to reduce the barriers to effective and affordable health care for underserved. "The way to achieve this goal has taken several forms, including increased availability of specialized care for the poor, insurance, do not speak in English and rural Californians. Particular care was extremely limited resources in the health system, even for insured patients. To improve access, increase throughput specialist became paramount, and this can often be achieved by improving process. But in talking with teachers from the program at Stanford University Biodesign (hereinafter Biodesign), the law of the potential of new technologies to improve the device throughput and higher power. question was whether the process of innovation biodesign taught at Stanford for the development of devices to be commercially attractive markets be adapted to focus on the needs enough and in particular needs related to limited access to specialists. To answer this question, the teachers of the Biodesign program and CHCF launched a pilot program to be conducted by an abridged version of the identification phase of the innovation process biodesign , which included the need to find and needs filtering. This article discusses the project and what is learned. "Hide
by Stefanos Zenios, Nathan Blair, Lyn Denend Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 27 pages. Date Published: September 15, 2009. Prod. #: OIT97-PDF-ENG