Berkshire Partners (BP) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

How much cash will Carters generate in the next 5 years 2002-06 based on management estimates?

The present value of cash flow for next five years based on the management assumptions is $1764. Working is shown in the exhibits below.

How realistic are management forecast in light of Carters historic performance?

After analyzing the case study and looking at the past financial performance, it seems that the management has made more realistic assumption and has been successful in achieving this. As discussedin thiscase that previously, the company hadsome strategic problems, due to which it developed new strategies and forecasted revenues, which made it successful in meeting itstargets.

What price should the BP team bid?

The bid price set is the highest that the buyer is willing to pay for a good. After analyzing the future(five years) cash flow to equity based on management’s assumption, the bid price should be around $417 million because the estimated cash flow to the equity would be $417 million thus,the bid price should not be more than this. However, before bidding, other non-financial factors must be considered such as any synergy between other group companies.


Debt Beta 0.2 Assumed
Target E/EV 90.0%
Target D/EV 10.0%
Risk Free 5.2%
MRP 6.0%
Tax Rate 35.0%


Staple Financing, in millions    
  LIBOR 4.3%
  Revolver 60 7.3% LIBOR + 3.00%
  Term Loan B 125 8.05% LIBOR + 3.75%
  Senior Sub 175 10.88%
  Total Debt 300
  Cost of Debt 6.4%
  New WACC 10.56%


Selected Data on Transactions Comparable to Carter's (in millions of dollars over the previous 12 months except where noted)
Target Name Acquirer Name Value of Transaction Target: Revenues EBIT EBITDA Pretax Income Net Income Transaction Date Value of Trans / EBITDA  
Too Inc Financial buyers 581.1 376.9 28.5 39.0 28.5 17.1 24-Aug-99 14.9x
McNaughton Apparel Group Jones Apparel Group 565.4 521.9 67.6 80.3 43.5 25.7 19-Jun-01 7.0x
Unitog Co Cintas Corp 370.8 275.2 25.3 42.7 20.2                    12.5 24-Mar-99 8.7x
Donna Karan International LVMH SA 247.2 662.9 23.3 28.7 20.8                    18.4 27-Nov-01 8.6x
Koret of CA (Levi Strauss) Kellwood Co 141.6 295.4 11.2 15.4 5.0                       2.3 29-Apr-99 9.2x
Happy Kids Inc HIG Capital LLC 119.6 170.1 19.9 20.4 18.6                       9.1 17-Dec-99 5.8x
  Average 9.0x
  Median 8.6x
  Carter EBITDA from Exh 4  $                               61.14
  Purchase Price using average mult  $                             553.01
  Expected 2001 EBITDA from Carter Forecast  $                               75.10
  Purchase Price using average mult  $                             679.25


Fore casted Financial Data and Ratios, Exhibit 7a
  2001E 2002P 2003P 2004P 2005P 2006P
Net Sales        537,300        618,800        711,600        817,300        938,800        985,740
% growth 13.8% 15.2% 15.0% 14.9% 14.9% 5.0%
Management 13.8% 15.2% 15.0% 14.9% 14.9% 5.0%
Gross Profit        221,900        260,900        302,400        348,300        400,400        420,420
margin 41.3% 42.2% 42.5% 42.6% 42.7% 42.7%
Management 41.3% 42.2% 42.5% 42.6% 42.7% 42.7%
SG&A        146,800        172,200        193,300        214,100        238,800        250,740
% of sales 27.3% 27.8% 27.2% 26.2% 25.4% 25.4%
Management 27.3% 27.8% 27.2% 26.2% 25.4% 25.4%
EBITDA           75,100           88,700        109,100        134,200        161,600        169,680
% of sales 14.0% 14.3% 15.3% 16.4% 17.2% 17.2%
Depreciation           20,000           21,100           21,800           24,400           28,100           29,505
EBIT           55,100           67,600           87,300        109,800        133,500        140,175
% of sales 10.3% 10.9% 12.3% 13.4% 14.2% 14.2%
Capex           20,500           19,500           21,000           21,500           22,500           22,500
% of sales 3.8% 3.2% 3.0% 2.6% 2.4% 2.3%
Management 3.8% 3.2% 3.0% 2.6% 2.4% 2.3%


      2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
EBIT 67.6 87.3 109.8 133.5 140.2
-Interest Payments 29.1 28.7 28.3 27.9 27.5
EBT 38.5 58.6 81.5 105.6 112.7
-Taxes 13.5 20.5 28.5 37.0 39.4
Net Income to Equity 54.1 66.8 81.3 96.5 100.7
+D&A 21.1 21.8 24.4 28.1 29.5
-Capex 19.5 21.0 21.5 22.5 22.5
-dNWC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-Debt Paydown 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Cash Flow to Equity $55.7 $67.6 $84.2 $102.1 $107.7
Bid price $417.35
Terminal Value $2,690.4
Debt Outstanding $275.0
Total Cash Flows to Berkshire $55.7 $67.6 $84.2 $102.1 $2,523.1
NPV $1,763.8


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