Ben & Jerry Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Geographical Setting


The location of Iran is such that it is located in West Asia and along with the borders of the Caspian Sea, Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf. The mountains in the region have helped in shaping both the economic and the political history for quite a few centuries now. Along with the mountains it is enclosed with plateaus, broad basins on which urban and agricultural settlements are located. Major highways and railroads have been constructed in the 20th century which connects the country with mountains and population centers. Ideally, it is one of the major towns that is dominated by basin where it has quite complex economic relationships amongst the towns and various other villages that have surrounded it. (Schmitt, 1986).


The climate of Iran is quite hot and dry. It has hot and dry summers which have short cool winters also for a short duration of time. The climate has been influenced by Iran’s location which is between the subtropical aridity of the Arabian Desert areas along with the subtropical humidity of the eastern Mediterranean area. The coldest month of the year is January where the temperatures reach 5°C to 10°C. August is mostly the hottest month of the country where the temperature reaches 20°C to 30°C or more. In most of the areas, summers are quite warm to hot with virtually continuous sunshine but the climate is quite humid on the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf (D. T. Potts, 1999).

The daily day to day temperatures can be very hot on some days where the temperature can reach to 40°C or more, especially along the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea which has caused a danger of heat exhaustion. Almost seventy percent of the average rainfall in the country happens to be between the months of November and March.

However, it often rains during the period of June till August. Basically the rain varies from season to season. Precipitations are sometimes concentrated in local but often with violent storms which has over a period of time caused flooding and erosion especially in the winter months. However, a very small area along the Caspian coast has quite different climate where the rainfall is the heaviest in the region (Gomez-Mejia, 2004).


The topography or the structure of Iran consists of rugged and uneven mountains that are surrounded with the high interior basins. The main mountain chain is the Zagros Mountains, which is a series of parallel points which are intersected with plains that have bisected the country through the north and south. There are quite a few mountain regions that are longer than 3,000 meters above the sea level; moreover there are some peaks that are over 4,000 meters in height. As the Zagros continues into south Iran, the average elevation of the peaks has declined radically to under 1500 meters (Mackenzie, 1998).

Rimming the Caspian littoral is also a chain of mountains that includes highly tall Labors Mountains. The Volcanic Mount Damavand, which is 18,602 feet, located in the center of the Alborz has been the only country’s highest peak, but also the highest mountain range in the Eurasian landmass which is located at the west of the Hindu Kush. The center of Iran has been consisting of several closed basins that collectively are referred to as the Central Plateau. The eastern part of the plateau is covered by two salt deserts, the Dasht-e Kavir (Great Salt Desert) and the Dasht-e Lut. Except for some scattered oases, these deserts are uninhabited.

Social institutions

The nuclear Family

The nuclear family is a general term that is used to define a family, which consists of two children and a pair of adults. Iran has a quite a large population which is considered as the nuclear family. The family planning of the Iranian population generally includes the families which have a family which consists of the two children and one pair of parents.

The extended family

An extended family is basically a family that is extended beyond the immediate family. It consists of grandparents, uncles, aunts and all the cousins who live nearby or in the same household. Basically, a married couple is that which lives with either the wife’s or the husband’s parents. Iran being a Shia state which practices Islam, therefore, the ideology of family values is a common element amongst the Iranian families.

Mostly people try to find places nearby the relatives to have easy commendation with them. Over the period of time, the aspect or the bonding between families has grown so much that people in Iran select a location based on the relatives living nearby and not far from that area..............................

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