By 2006, despite the absence of significant reforms, the Russian banking system has recovered from the 1998 crisis, and its indicators, such as capital, assets and loans is much higher than the levels prior to 1998. Russian economy has developed rapidly, mainly due to an increase in energy prices. However, many analysts were concerned play an important role oil and gas, and feared that energy exports kept the exchange rate is so high that the production of energy without being hurt. V. bank survived the crisis of 1998, and was considered one of the top 25 banks. Despite this progress, financial reports highlighted a number of problems. Moreover, the political situation in Russia seemed unstable, as shown in the crisis Khodorkovsky, in which Gazprom and Yukos assets returned in most public property. Some analysts point to the resurgence of authoritarian and arbitrary interference by the state, and discussed the possibility of a liberal political reaction in Russia is similar to the "orange revolution" in Ukraine. "Hide
by David W. Conklin, Daniel Cadieux Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 5 pages. Publication Date: February 6, 2006. Prod. #: 906M14-PDF-ENG