Bank of China Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Bank of China Case Solution

BOChas also established an inner bond program, which will also help it in generating and selling more bonds to the huge population of China and to generate cash which could then beinvested in new projects.


  • In 2017, the BOC announced another bond climate in its branch in the UK.


  • In 2017, the BOC introduced another climate bond through its Japanese bank.


  • In 2018, the BOC introduced another climate Bond in its Macau bank.

Climate and Environmental details disclosure mainly for the purposes of:

  • Assessing the strength of the investment or loan strategies to fight climate and environmental dangers.
  • And assessing how the money should be spent and how institutions should respond to the emerging issues, risks and opportunities.

We have strengthened the internal representation of a working group to the investment managers in public and private markets, Involvement specialists, risk specialists and product development. The team works together, deepening our understanding and analysis of the dangers associated with the climate change, far beyond the present carbon-based management practices. (Deng, 1993)

According to the People’s Bank applications of China, ICBC led financial restructuring environmental Information Disclosure Centers Guidelines. Depending on the proper progress of the test UK-China Climate and Environmental Program Data Disclosure and Existing Availability recommended standards in the financial industry, ICBC, after consultation with members of the working group and experts of the Finance Standards Committee, wrote a Guide for Financial Institutions Disclosure of Environmental Information, i.e. currently in the process of project reconstruction.(Mendelsohn, 1999).

According to in People’s Bank applications of China, ICBC led financial restructuring Environmental Information Disclosure Centers Guidelines. Depending on the proper progress of the Pilot UK-China Climate and Environmental Program Data Disclosure and Existing Availability recommended standards in the financial industry, ICBC, after consultation with members of the working group and experts of the Finance Standards Committee, wrote the Guide for Financial Institutions Disclosure of Environmental Information, i.e. currently in the process of project reconstruction. (Tang, 2000)

Environmental hazards can lead towards economic loss and bad reputation. When the bank’s clients are not investing or are not favoring the bank, it is due to some global health problems,for which any money related company is unable to pay back to its customers. For borrowers, other risks include low cash income than expenses, as the market conditions are different. (Darwin, 1999).

The banks have an impact on the environment and are impacted by the nature’s changes.Such impacts include the daily activities of the banks, and other indirect impacts are: less traveling less use of ATM machine and water. Indirect impacts, and the main impacts are the loss of the customer’s trust.

Financial products suggest the sales of the bank’s bonds, funds,security, and customer loans, as all these factors are very important for the economy of any country and they also have a non-favorable impact on the economy. In banking,rules and policies are very important, asthese rules and policies can certainly help the banks to stand in a positive position if an unexpected disaster takes place.

The responsible investment products the bank promotes and makes available to its retail clients.

  1. Bond Funds

To date, BOC is the only finance funding bank, which is investing the cash in other overseas banks and local markets as well.

BOC introduces seminars and activities to support the global markets, for example: highly productive papers and flexible papers for individual businesses. Operations in the local markets are very flexible and include services like: mutual funds and selling insurance.

  1. Estimated and Estimated Funds

The business through the development of usable and innovative financial systems helps the sales department in planning the integration, acquisition, growth of the company, financial redesigning business reconstruction, building and money spending activities. (Mendelsohn R. Nordhaus, 1994)

  1. Direct Investment

BOC has received so many benefits due to its business. BOC has good understanding of the markets and is further investing its cash in its operations.


Getting money from the customers is the most difficult task to do, especially in this world..Funds banking is one of the most difficult investing structure in the world. They work for many different purposes. They provide a variation in the investment services, such as: trading related to guarantee, combining and investment advice that includes helping the disorganization funds, including: borrowing from companies to buy goods, buildings that include colle underdevelopment to make the business more efficient and healthy.

BOC is a big organization which is operating to invest in new markets and securing its future banking structure, for which it is  going through the process of determining the value of its structure and its functionality, to come up with a result that could predict its growth...........................

Bank of China Case Solution

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