Azzurri Communications Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Azzurri Communications Case Solution 

Azzurri Communications


Azzurri is a privately held company founded in the year 2000 and it is located in the Brook lands city of United Kingdom. The company is operating in telecommunication industry with around 500 to 1000 employees. It is expected that Azzurri has transformed the communication in UK based organization through its high technology and managed services.Moreover, it is considered as a transnational organization in communication industry, which helps its customers by allowing them to be connected and remain competitive through its expert services in the field of technology.
(Azzurri, 2015)

Services provided by Azzurri

It is expected that Azzurri is considered as an independent counselor to its technology customers as it is recognized as the flexible services provider in the field of technology, which provides its customers with more comprehensive and integrated solutions with respect to cohesive communications. Moreover, Azzurri also provides enterprise mobility across United Kingdom which makes Azzurri the best technology solutions provider in UK that supports the businesses of entrepreneurs to great extent by fulfilling their business needs in a more economical way and by providing services according to their target goals. In addition to this, Azzurri also provides networks, flexible working, document solutions and contact centers which makes Azzurri a one point of contact for multiple services.Moreover, itis expected that Azzurri does not compromise on quality of services, therefore it is considered as anexcellent and comprehensive service provider and this makes Azzurri more competitive in the technology industry among other service providers. Azzurri is also considered as an innovative organization, which transformed the printing estate by delivering value.(LinkedIn, 2015)

Target Markets of Azzurri

Azzurri is a UK based firm and it is operating insix different locations of the United Kingdom and the main focus of the company is mid enterprise market and public sector. Azzurri is famous in mid enterprise due to its high productivity. Furthermore, Azzurri is also considered as a cost effective service provider, therefore that is the reason behind targeting the mid enterprise and newly formed enterprises.Azzurri is considered as asecure contact organization by using unified communication tools such as video conferencing which allowsAzzurri to target the public sectors as public sectors require more secure, comprehensive and services which canjoinpeople connected to the organization in a more effective way. Moreover, Azzurri helps the both mid enterprise and public sectors by providing them secure connect servicestotheir people and their customers be it at office or anywhere.In addition to this,Azzurri is also providing services to different organizations like JD sports, Severn Trent Water, different colleges and universities of United Kingdom and many more………………….

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