General Director of Avon Mexico, Fernando Lezama, must decide whether to promote a woman to the position of Vice President of Sales. If the appointed candidate will be the first woman in Latin America to hold an executive position, and one of the first women in Mexico, to achieve this level of responsibility.
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solution" width="288" height="288" /> avon products case solutionAll men Lezama executive team has doubts about the readiness of the candidate, but also aware of Lezama global vision Avon, which calls for the advancement of women at all levels of the organization. Earlier this year, Avon Mexico organization completed an exercise called "appreciative inquiry" aimed at improving gender relations in the labor force. "Hide
by Lynn Sharp Paine, Gregory Rogers Source: Harvard Business School 22 pages. Publication Date: October 23, 2000. Prod. #: 301059-PDF-ENG