Autonomous Vehicles:Technological changes and ethical challenges Case Solution
In terms of technology, comfort, and style, an increased demand of luxury brands was to be experienced. The preference of people over luxury cars is not only based on the performance or comfort but also the use of innovative technology. The autonomous technology of GM allows hands-free driving for both in-stop and go-driving at speed.
VRIO Analysis:
For the determination of competitive advantage, the resources of the organization are evaluated on the basis of four key factors i.e. valuable, rare, imitable, and organized resources. The resources to analyze for GM include Innovation, Global presence, Revenues, Brand reputation, Customer loyalty, as shown in Appendix A. Based on the evaluation of the resources, the competitive advantage of GM lies in its innovation and revenues that is the financial stability of the organization that significantly allows it to invest in different strategic approaches. Such approaches mainly included the acquisition of Cruise automation and Lyft. Such acquisitions were primarily based on the notion of acquiring values to learn from their experiences. (Michael W.Grojean, 2004)
Current Strategy:
Although GM announced that it would be launching Super Cruise in 2016, but it had now changed it to 2017. Because of the launch of same technology by other players like Tesla has been known to provide GM with an insight regarding customer responses, and the challenges or concerns raised. This would significantly allow GM to find the best interest of customers in purchasing the semi-autonomous vehicles. The inability of the organization to keep up itself with the risks might make it obsolete despite the growth of autonomous market to reach around $42 billion by 2025 as an incentive.
In order to adopt the technology, consumers as well as manufacturer represent technophobia i.e. a barrier in successful adoption of semi-autonomous technology. (Ralph Schroeder, 2009) Due to this reason, the consideration of legal and ethical issues has been a part of social system that reflects the social values which requires serious attention of both the executives and the board.(Samita Mahapatra, 2018)For the future growth of Super Cruise, GM should consider ADAS – which is primarily aimed to mitigate the potential risks associated with driving. This mainly includes the use of sensors which is already a part of vehicle designing of GM. This would only require the sharing of additional information to the human driver.
Similarly, the development of HMI management strategic approaches is known to be related to ADAS. The development of such information systems would lower the risk of accident or will keep the driver more distant from danger. The risk reduction is associated with the provision of support either in negotiating traffic rules and road infrastructure or perceiving events. (Thierry Bellet, 2019)Additionally, GM should make strategic alliance with the government in the development and implementation of safety standards which will allow them to meet the regulations and will provide a competitive advantage. The development of driving tests and licensing laws would only be based on the safety of the driver. (Ryan, 2020)
Furthermore, to reduce the ethical risk associated with self-driving or semi-autonomous vehicles, concerns related to cross-walks and pedestrians are required to be resolved. Based on the use of artificial intelligence and internet of things, consumers always have their phones or some electrical gadget with them. Such gadgets signals can be linked with the sensors of the car displayed on a screen to indicate the distance of an individual with the car and the time he/she would require to cross the road. Based on the speed of the individual and semi-autonomous vehicle, driver can command the vehicle system to either slow down the speed or automatic slowdown of speed. This approach would provide GM with a competitive edge in the market because companies have been striving to determine the possible ways to deal with such ethical issues. (Nouar AlDahoul, 2018)
Based on the use of semi-autonomous technology, the development of strategic alliance with the government regarding the ethical standards and regulations would allow GM to provide valid, and unbiased ratings of their products under their ethical leadership approach. (Michael E. Brown, 2006) Considering the competitive advantage of the organization i.e. innovation, GM should focus on improvising the use of sensors to reduce the risk of accidents and increase the probability of achieving future sustainable growth among all the leading players in the market. Because, the product features and the use of AI has not been well-defined which makes it difficult for other players to launch any substitute product. As a result, the organization would be able to generate profit by operating at global level.......................
Autonomous Vehicles:Technological changes and ethical challenges Case Solution
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