Secret member of the prestigious Augusta National Golf Club in widely believed to exclude women. When feminist lawyer March Burke receives a mysterious list of "members", it must decide how best to use this information in their efforts to crack the glass ceiling. Burke, the National Council of Women's Organizations (NCWO), fights Hootie Johnson of Augusta National Golf Club (ANGC). Both organizations have the strategic use of the media to influence stakeholders, and everyone is trying to put his picture on the debate. NCWO sees the problem as a statement of affiliated corporations, (a little), they value women while ANGC sees this as an attack on the right of a private club on the freedom of association. Controversy raises a number of issues that are important to the corporation in relation to NGOs, partnership and corporate values.
Augusta National Golf Club controversy (B) Exercise (2-306-049) supports (B) addition to the case.
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by Herman Leonard B, Marc J. Epstein, Melissa Tritter Source: Harvard Business School 20 pages. Publication Date: 05 Oct 2005. Prod. #: 306029-HCB-ENG