After the scandals involving Enron, WorldCom, and Qwest Communications, the accounting profession has spent the last few years trying to get back on track. While the Sarbanes-Oxley Act may improve decision-making by the Audit Committee, as well as help prevent future large-scale disasters that hurt shareholders and reduce the firm, there is another problem in public accounting, few believe, and no one offered to solve: deviant behavior in the workplace. Previous research describes deviant behavior in the workplace, as members of voluntary conduct that violates significant organizational norms and, thus, threaten the welfare of the organization and / or its members. Building from recent work in various literary business, this is the first study after the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to consider workplace deviations Big 4 accounting firms. Taking an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach, the authors try to explain why in the workplace deviation penetrated accounting firms, as it undermines their effectiveness and to thwart their long-term prospects for success. After a description of its genesis and implications, the authors administered several management strategies to prevent and minimize the deviations of its consequences for the firm. "Hide
by Ronald Jelinek, Keith Jelinek Source: Business Horizons 11 pages. Publication Date: May 15, 2008. Prod. #: BH278-PDF-ENG