Subsequently turning into a superintendent of the low income and academically fighting Georgia school system in 1999, Atlanta, Beverly Hall applied new measurement systems, many of them derived from business best practices, to move and evaluate the performance of principals and teachers.
Teachers whose students execute well on standardized tests received public acknowledgement and bonuses; educators whose pupil fell short established reprimand, warnings, and ultimately conclusion. With so much journey on "fulfilling the numbers," teachers and principals began taking extreme steps, together with work in partnership to change students' test solutions while frightening colleagues who threatened to expose the dishonesty.
As Atlanta students' (fabricated) test scores soared, leaders in business and politics praised Beverly Hall's data driven approach for transforming a lagging school system into a model of success. More than a decade into Hall's tenure, multiple investigations eventually exposed the scandal in Atlanta-and its terrible effect on the students of the district. (For educators who would like to inject some extra energy, and entertaining, in the classroom, this case study provides material for pupils to stage skits in front of the course to exemplify how and why the cheating occurred.)
PUBLICATION DATE: December 02, 2013 PRODUCT #: 114001-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about FINANCE & ACCOUNTING