Application of Value Engineering in Construction Projects Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Application of Value Engineering in Construction Projects The Case Solution

Some of Telecommunication ideas are

  • Erase all telecom conduit banks aside from street intersections and utilize direct covered

fiber optic links.

  • Erase substantial encasement around UPVC pipe bank with the exception of links crossing

streets and cleared regions.

  • Use PVC pipes for media transmission channel banks rather than UPVC pipes

4.  Evaluation Phase

During the inventive/conceptualizing stage, it was not permitted to assess any thought, however  to make many thoughts as could be expected under the circumstances. During this stage, it was prescribed to expand the quantity of thoughts without zeroing in on the quality.

Some Evaluation regarding civil works are


  • Cost saving, saving, development time, No requirement for expert project worker
  • Cost Saving in the fill quantities, reduce the construction time, can be considered in the shop drawing (EPC phase) and matching with RC, AASHTO and MOT design standards
  • Improve the well-being conditions, cost saving, decline the traffic light time


  • Increment O&M cost of MARAFIQ,Need more coordination with different utilities, not coordinating with Ground breaking strategy
  • Increase maintenance at early stage of operation
  • Not matching with the master plan

Some Evaluation regarding Electrical works are


  • Cost & time saving, no maintenance cost
  • Use of most recent innovation and code-consistence
  • Reduce power utilization, less O&M


  • More time at later stage, may be more cost
  • More cost in the future, low visibility and less safety

5. Development Phase

The Total Civil Saving is (SAR) 85,991,098

The Total Electrical Saving is (SAR) 20,079,400

The Total Telecom Saving is (SAR) 9,389,760

The TOTAL SAVINGS by VE Study is equal to (SAR) 115,460,258

Function Prioritization:

The functions that were prioritized for civil works use in the creativity Phase are

  1. Use lift station system instead of gravity in sewer deep system.

By using lift station, we can raise the levels for all sewage pipe lines to be executed at 2m to 6m maximum depth. This will be saving a lot of construction time and no need to use specialist contractors.

  1. Increase space between sewer manholes from 150m to 500m

By increasing the space between manholes as per the standard, we can reduce the total number of manholes, which will save construction time, initial cost and also O&M cost.

  1. Use precast box culverts in lieu of cast-in-situ.

As per the Maintenance Department requirement of RCY, it is preferred to use precast box culverts in lieu of cast-in-situ system, which will save construction time and reduce maintenance cost in future.

The functions that were prioritized for Electrical works use in the creativity phase are

  1. Delete 34.5KV lean concrete encased duct bank by using armored cables direct buried in ground as per IEEE std. 525 & SEC standard SDCS-02.

It is recommended that the lean concrete encased duct bank system for 13.8KV cables be deleted together with electrical manholes. Moreover, an old RCY 2007 standards are required to be revised and upgraded in line with the requirements of IEEE standard 525, IEC standard 60502-2 and SEC distribution construction standard SDCS-02

  1. Delete power distribution system, add another contractor and construct utility parts crossing roads

Since Power transmutation plant not yet construct so we propose to postpone Electrical power distribution duct banks except duct banks which crossing roads...............

Application of Value Engineering in Construction Projects The Case Solution

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