Application of Skills during Training period Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Communicationisoneof the important concepts to rememberaspeople do notcare how much you know until they know how much you care, and this is demonstrated through active questioning and attentive listening.

In order to sell a product to the customer, the seller shouldoffer first, and if the customerdoes notlike you or your approach, then the relationship will develop no further.It should be kept in mindthat pure timing or inappropriate questioning can put customersoff. Secondly, they buy the product or solution, and thirdly they buy your company, and this is the order of priority on what isimportant to them.

In selling, there are four levels at which you can position yourself. Usually, pushy sales people, for those who are just selling aproduct with little or no added value reside of levels one or two. Levels three and four are occupied by professional consultative sales people. At these higher levels, a salesperson asks questions, identifies needs and relates their products or solutions back to these requirements and their impact on performance productivity and profitability. They also bring industry knowledge and intellectual capital, which also contributes to the strategic development of the customers’ business. It isa type of customer’s secret for advice and help. In summary, positioning yourself at levels three and four is vital to your success as an excellent communicator and a professional consultative sales person.

Figure 1 Position is everything

Every company wants to improve performance, productivity and profitability, therefore always ensure making it clear that howthe product or solution will positively impact any or all of the three Ps. You need to ask proper questions and uncover needs and then prescribe sign recommendations. Always remember when you are talking, you are selling, when the customers are talking, they are buying as we have already mentioned an appropriate questioning or pro timing that can be quite intrusive and break report. In all cases when asking questions, thefirst question must be “would you mind if I ask you a few questions?”.There is a simple concept called ‘challenging progression’.It is where you take your question from the general non-threatening across to the more particular and finally the very concrete. The very specific questions are asked toosoon; it can stand in the way of building trust and break rapport.

Figure 2 the doctor of selling

In conclusion, remember that sometimes the Eagle takes over and we want to show people how much we know, however, developing the art of skillful questions and listening will be the key to success.

Application of Skills during Training period Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Problem Solving

One of the most important skills are qualities of leaders and capable people in every area who possessthe ability to solve problems and make good decisions would lead to better results. The series of challengesare to be addressed and difficulties to be overcome. The ability to address the problems is essential to be paid more. Fortunately, effective problem solving and decision making are skills that can be learnt with practice as well as one can learn how to tap into the incredible powers of your mind...........................

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