Apple Inc Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Apple Inc Case Study Solution  

Of course, the legal threats and opportunities in entertainment are not limited to copyright issues alone. There are also issues of plagiarism, which arise from a writer, director, or producer taking credit for someone else's work. This may happen when a film script is passed around in Hollywood by a writer, director, or producer without acknowledgment, and the work is used by the creator as his or her own. This can lead to lawsuits, damages, and even, in some cases, the production and release of the movie or television series being halted because of the issues that are faced by the in finger        . It may also lead to the production or distribution of the film or TV series being delayed for several months, years, or even decades.

Opportunities and threats –Smartphone

Mobile companies are always in need of ways to provide their customers with an efficient way to use their devices. With this in mind, they are always looking for ways to provide more value to the average consumer. One of these methods is by using new technologies to bring users closer together.

The opportunity that the smartphone industry will be offering is through wireless communication. It is not only carriers who are looking for ways to create more opportunities in the marketplace. Other smartphone companies are also taking notice of the growing popularity of wireless carriers. They are even working with them to offer subscribers the best deals possible.

This will allow wireless carriers to offer more options to their customers. For instance, they will be able to offer contract phones or devices that allow subscribers to pay monthly fees for a specific amount of time. As a subscriber uses the device, he or she will be billed according to the amount of time the user had been using the device. The most common contract phone is the contract phone plan.

However, a contract phone can be more expensive than other plans, especially since they come with many limitations. The most common limitations include a small storage capacity and a limited number of calling minutes. However, with a contract phone, a customer can get great value for their money.

The competition is growing between manufacturers and carriers. As a result, many companies are offering gifts or free upgrades to encourage people to switch their service. In addition to this, some carriers are even offering incentives, such as cashback for customers who use their service in exchange for a purchase. Some companies are even offering free games and applications for their users. There are even cases where some companies are offering free services or products in exchange for signing up for their service.

Industry Driving Forces:

The driving factors of the smartphone industry include 3G communication and Wi-Fi configuration are considered the largest components behind the optimistic growth of the smartphone market.  Despite the popularity of the product, the customer tends to seek higher resolution, the ability to use storage media as well as many other states of the art features in the product.

Another driving force in the smartphone industry is having a powerful brand image. Many key marketing principles are used in Apple's business to ensure they have a powerful brand image. One such principle is to make sure a company understands its target market. A company that understands its target market can develop a unique marketing strategy that is designed to get the most attention from customers. In turn, this leads to improved sales and profits.

The companies must use media that will allow them to reach consumers quickly and accurately. A company has a dedicated marketing team, which focuses on developing new advertising campaigns and new ways to promote existing ads. Marketing is constantly changing to keep up with consumer expectations. With so much emphasis on satisfied customers, Apple has managed to build a long-standing reputation for excellent products, reliable service, and a great product.

Industry Key Success Factors:

One of the key success factors is to maintain the customer loyalty that is so important to maintaining success, a company needs to offer products and services that meet the needs of the consumer. Many companies are hesitant to offer new products. However, Apple recognizes that if it would do, it will lead to more repeat customers and higher sales. Since the company recognize that this is the primary goal of advertising, it would be willing to go to great lengths to make sure that the products and services are appealing to consumers.

Another key success factor is the design of the hardware because if the device lacks an appealing and eye-catching design, the consumer would not pay attention to the product. Furthermore, the companies are required to offer a reliable operating system to the customers. This is because of the reason that Android and iOS continue to be some of the top picks of customers all around the world. In case, the smartphone is running an obsolete software and OS, the customer would go elsewhere.

Moreover, to successfully sell the products in the market, the companies are required to build the brand reputation in the market. It would help in attracting a wider base of customers. Building a brand that the customer would trust the most, is one of the challenging and difficult tasks. But, valuable and leading organizations such as Apple, Samsung have shown that a company that is highly trusted and valuable could easily generate higher amounts of revenues.

SECTION 4: Internal Environment

Functional area – strengths and weaknesses


The management of the company is innovative. It significantly utilizes its presence in the IT industry. Additionally, the management of the company devotes its technologies and human resource to the creation of superior product standards and services contributing to the betterment of global society.

The weakness of the management of the company is an unclear set of directions and a lack of trust among employees.


The company prides itself on designing a better customer experience, retain its loyal customers, and build strong relationships with future customers. The company promotes its products and services through television advertisements which feature politicians, scientists, and artists who are seen as independent thinkers.

On the other hand, the weakness of the marketing of the company is that the products are priced for high and middle-income consumers.


The company embraces technology and innovation to greeter means. The company believes in continued research and investment for innovative technologies and product development and sales.Due to the advancement in technology, the use of tablets and smartphones is increasing, which will result in increased revenues.

On the other hand, the over-dependency of the company on iPhone products hinders its ability of investing in innovation and introducing new and innovative products.


The operational improvements helped the company boost revenues and succeeded in today's’ environment of challenge and change. This is combined with improving customer service and removing barriers to success.

In contradiction to strength, the company is lacking in maximizing efficiency in operation management. It is because of the reason that the company does not maximize the capacity of the workforce for product development and design.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of the company is hierarchical that was developed by the CEO and founder of the company with core consideration to ensure the focused realization of the new and innovative ideas as well as a clear vision for the business.

On the other hand, the hierarchical organizational structure of the company delays in communicating horizontally between teams and vertically through levels.  It leads to communication barriers, organizational disunity, and poor flexibility.


Apple is best known for fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. Rapid innovation ensures that the company brings new and innovative products.

The employees are provided with lower wages in comparison to their working hours.

Core and/or Distinctive Competencies:

  • The core competency of the company is innovation and creativity which helps in attracting new as well as retaining the existing customers.
  • Additionally, the company offers a variety of products that are differentiated from the other businesses in the market. The products offered by the company are differentiated based on the price, brand name, features, and other factors.
  • Apple can provide a variety of products to its customers to maintain its’ consumer interest. Because people want to experience something that will make them happy, and the company has found a way to meet these needs.
  • With an intensive emphasis on satisfied customers; Apple has managed to build a long-standing reputation for excellent products, reliable service, and a great product.
  • Apple is one that is particularly known for its efforts on the consumer side.
  • The company understands the target market and finding the right marketing channel to communicate with the target audience.

Competitive Advantage:

  • To maintain customer loyalty that is so important to maintaining success, a company offers products and services that meet the customer’s needs.The main competitive advantage of Apple so far as computer companies go is that the company has built its system based on open-source software.
  • Apple has always kept to a high standard when it comes to making its products. The company also has a very strong focus on quality. Although Apple's focus on quality can be seen as being a product of its unique marketing strategy, it is also the result of Apple's ability to use key marketing principles.
  • Apple's focus on developing a unique marketing strategy is reflected in the way their marketing is presented to potential customers. Apple does not use traditional marketing techniques. Instead, they have developed a brand marketing strategy that incorporates unique marketing concepts and strategies. There is also an emphasis on using media that will not negatively impact consumers. The use of media provides a competitive advantage to the company because it is appealing to the target audience.
  • Apple has long been known for its iconic products and for being a quality company. Apple has always kept to a high standard when it comes to making its products. They also have a very strong focus on quality. Although Apple's focus on quality can be seen as being a product of its unique marketing strategy, it is also the result of Apple's ability to use key marketing principles. The main competitive advantage of Apple so far as computer companies go is that the company has built its system based on an open-source software.

Section 5: Strategies

Business Level Strategies:

The business strategy of the company could be classified as product differentiation. It is pertinent to note that the multinational technology company tends to differentiate its products and services based on advanced functionality and simple, attractive design.The image of the Apple company is revitalized by pushing the limits of design as well as technology. Taking into consideration the example of China, the company launched a new series of iPhone with lower price points and improved quality of camera because the camera technology, in China has become a major differentiating factor. Due to the differentiation based business strategy of the company, Apple is known to be the game-changer and innovator of the technology industry.

In addition to this, the key to the business strategy of the company is the specific innovation and product strategy centered on proactive and reactive innovation built on the need to promote simplicity. The company does this by removing undesirable qualities as well as integrating differentiation and unique features to make them attractive and appealing, primarily by reinventing the entire experience of the user and introducing novel functionalities.

Corporate Level Strategies:

The corporate-level strategies of the company include close related diversification of the products at the high and moderate levels which includes software, mobile phones, personal computers, music stores, and home computers. Furthermore, Apple has a blend of entertainment and personal computing with a high level of integration, allowing it more efficient in manufacturing as well as delivery of products and services at competitive prices while remaining profitable at the same time.

Another business strategy implemented by Apple – Outsourcing i.e. manufacturing of processors from outsourced organizations. It allows Apple to perform efficiently and effectively by reducing its operating expenses required for running and maintenance of the production facilities. Moreover, the Internationalization of manufacturing is another corporate strategy of the company as it has established its production in China with core consideration of taking advantage of the low cost of labor, high potential market, access to raw material as well as favorable conditions of the economy because of the stability of the economy of China.....................

Apple Inc Case Study Solution

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