Beginning in 1988, the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) beginning controversial reforms in governance and management. For the first 112 years, the structure of the AMC was like a country club - volunteer leaders directed the activities of the club and a small paid staff. However, the club slowly sinking into debt and operations of spinning more out of control, the group members urged members to the board, the board of volunteers from the direct management of the organization to hire a new chief executive as CEO, and the institute "corporate style" advice Directors charged with policy and oversight. Over the next six years, an updated AMC jumped to life. The Board of Directors and Executive Director introduced new budgeting procedures initiated marketing programs, and hired a well-trained staff who helped to erase the debt, double membership, and three times as donations. However, problems remain. In late 1996, the board reorganized, a transition of generations in the manual, as the conditions of the last of the directors who were present during the early transition expired. This transition is a good landmark from which to assess the role of the Council in the framework of the organization and its relationship with the expanded staff and members. "Hide
by Walter J. Salmon, Jaan Elias Source: Harvard Business School 33 pages. Publication Date: October 29, 1997. Prod. #: 598066-PDF-ENG