Angus Cartwright Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Angus Cartwright  Case Solution 

Investor’s criteria

Cash Availability

From the following analysis, it has been determined that the best option for the investors to easily manage the cash amount for the return would be the property of 900 stony walk, the internal rate of return against the availability of cash generate more results as compared to other three properties.

Need for the current income

After the critical analysis, it is concluded that 900 stony walk would generate more return against the investments. Therefore, provide more positive results for the property as well as the investor’s need. Thus, the more income means that the more interest of shareholders would build in the future.

Financial leverage

The total results of all the properties indicates that the best option for the investors to select the property under the financial terms would be Ivy Terrace because its debt service ratio is quite manageable as compared to the other properties.

Risk profile

According to the current analysis, it has been identified that the best option for the investors to go for property under less risk profile would be Alison Green, it has lower financial obligations as well as higher internal rate of return due to huge amount of equity.

Desire for equity buildup

In order to increase desired equity share in the property, investors would go for Alison Green because it has lower debt margins under high equity shares. This shows that, it would earn more profits as compared to other properties.

Investment security

From the projected results, it illustrates that every investor would go for property under less amount of debt and property tax rates, as it could decrease the liquidity margin by allowing shares to be invested under the property and to generate high margins. Therefore, the best option for the investors would be Alison green.

Required rate of return

The analysis shows that the highest internal rate of return under the proposed scenario would be the return of 900 stony walk; therefore, show interest to invest in order to make high profit margins in the future.

Liquidity need

From the analysis, it has been indemnified that the best option for investors with regards to the interest of more earnings would be the property of Alison green and Ivy terrace because they would provide more earnings due to the less liquidity needs.

Capacity to manage properties

It is concluded that, the most manageable properties from the investor’s perspective would be the Alison green because it has lower debt ratio as well as high equity margins as compared to other three properties. Moreover, each investor would prefer to retain under less investment security......................

Angus Cartwright Case Solution

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