Analysis Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Analysis The case solution  

  • Perform Research

UBER, Etsy, and Airbnb companies follows the strategy in order to be in targeted markets. Airbnb Company provides the clients with detailed and personal information regarding rental business with good visuals or photographs which will help them to build customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Etsy Company used to sign up for more sellers to its platform and they travels to the other countries like Canada and US to get connected with the influential craftsmen and artisans. This will help the business in supply side. UBER workers also research for the industry to tackle the new trends for the customers and provide those services accordingly to keep them satisfied and improve their quality experience across the globe.

1.1  SWOT Analysis

Strength (Internal Analysis)

  • UBER, Etsy, and Airbnb utilize-dual-sided market-online stage and its advantage is that it acquires both services as well as the customer, and works as an intermediary between them, to create value.
  • The items and services presented by these organizations are of premium quality, which builds customer loyalty.
  • The companies have good relationship with the current customers, suppliers and their employee.
  • The companies have strong brand recognition through which the customers are attracted by them.
  • They generate strong financial performances.

Weaknesses (Internal Analysis)

  • These companies only rely on their origin markets as they don’t operate in other countries. They lack their presence in the developing countries.
  • Numerous choices for customers considering new businesses and players entering in the enterprises where UBER, Etsy and Airbnb works.
  • Few problems like in providing services to customers not effectively can cause devaluation of companies. For example: UBER can confront some lawful difficulty for controlling drivers yet not employing them directly.

Opportunities (External Analysis)

  • These three companies can increase their revenues through expanding their services in the developing-economies, such as: India, China, and Brazil etc. UBERalready existential most 400 cities throughout the world, which makes it easier for UBER to expand in ruler areas. Likewise, AirBnb has its operations in the global markets as well.

Threats (External Analysis)

  • As far as price is concerned; these companies compete against their peers which charge the premium prices and they are also focused on beating those companies which offer lower prices through their quality services at moderate prices.
  • Intense competition in the market can increase the cost for these companies, so they should be more focused on their product and service innovation, in order to retain their customers.

1.2  Consumer Analysis

These organizations are focused on expanding the number of their clients through various networking channels. The two-sided market platforms can prove to be a significant medium of innovation, which is not just focused on appealing to the customers but also to the suppliers as well.


Etsy utilizes two-sided platform to encourage the entrepreneurs to sell and grow their business.. Etsy has identified the gap that consumers were facing in the particular market and has modified its platform accordingly, so that it could provide better experience to the sellers and buyers of handicrafts on its website.  Etsy attends many galleries hosted by the artists and it encourages those artists to sell their art on its website. It also persuades its clients to attract more people to its website. In this way, the company-gets more customers without spending much on its marketing strategies.


AirBnbconducts market research in order find a suitable market segment to be targeted.AirBnbalso utilizes craigslist to expand its clients, as it finds a lot of its potential clients on Craigslist.  Integration AirBnb-craigslist provides the company with an insights on the customer experience, through which it can convey accurate information to its customers, which creates brand loyalty. The information can be regarding properties, personal information, business features, renting andproperties to rent on vacation. AirBnb’s listing is more superior and appealing to the users of craigslist who look for rental properties.


            UBERhas a two-sided marketing business framework which provides its clients with a unique ride charring experience through a very versatile app. An effective understanding for the market and its customers gives UBER a milestone in its growth strategy.The company has the great knowledge and experience on operating globally, and it plans its market strategies accordingly, to target its customers. UBER has solved the problem by finding the gap in traditional transport services and has filled those gaps by providing its unique services which are much advanced and convenient than the normal cab services. UBER differentiated its services by enabling its customers to book a ride from the ease of their home through a user-friendly app. Basically, UBER’s growth is driven through the word-of-mouth approach and it spends-minimum on its promotional activities.

  • Competitive Analysis

UBER, Etsy, and AirBnb have strong competitors in their market domains. For AirBnb; its major competitors are hotels, restaurants and Craigslist, while UBER has the local taxis and private vehicles as its competitors. Etsy’s major competitor is EBay. These competitors offer unique and innovative services. The quality of their services and products helps the customers in realizing their brand value, and product innovation fulfills the needs of customers and satisfies their needs. These companies charge lower price to their clients, so that they won’t  shift towards the services of other competitors. Nonetheless, as Etsy, AirBnb and UBERare following a customer-centric approach; their main objective is to provide excellent client care services. The barrier of entrance in new markets is very low for these companies, which makes it easier for them to penetrate into new markets.

1.3.1Penetration of Market

These companies have the strategy of utilizing distinctive promoting strategies alongside providing excellent services on a much lower cost to its potential customer segment, which tends to drive them away from the pre-existing companies’ services. By doing so, it would become easier for the companies to penetrate the markets by giving a tough competition to the locally operating companies. These companies increase their sales through offering lower prices and through adopting leadership cost strategy and incorporating advancement through differentiation.

1.3.2Development of Product

UBER, Etsy, and Air Conduction study on the purchaser’s market and large market designs in order to identify the gap in the industry and they also focus on the unfulfilled demands of the customers and the accessibility of various services and product in market. Moreover, these organizations also offer new products and services, which creates-curiosity among the clients, persuading them to avail these much advanced products and services.Through innovation and advanced products or services; these companies meet the demand of the customers and increase their revenues...............

Analysis The case solution

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