Documents on the example of the efforts of the African Development Corporation (ADC) and the Loita Group to acquire shares of a commercial bank Neal (NGOs) - the number one bank icon in Southern Sudan - and thus contribute to the development of South Sudan as an independent commodity-rich state. The case focuses on CEO of ADC, Dirk Harbecke, which in 2011 ran a fund that invests in bank and insurance services in sub-Saharan Africa. Case is pending or not ADC and Loita should invest in NGOs. A real case of a possible result of the investment and the Loita ADC in the bank, as described in "Restructuring the bank," which sets out the investment, as it happens in real-time in September 2011. "Hide
by Veit Etzold Source: ESMT - European School of Management and Technology 15 pages. Publication Date: September 7, 2012. Prod. #: ES1311-PDF-ENG