National Hockey League (NHL) struggled in a competitive market, to increase the exposure of hockey across the United States. Many new franchises were established, and the challenge is to create a fan base to support the franchise and the league as a whole. As a result, many new initiatives have been considered to educate and excite the American public. Director of new business development for the National Hockey League's enterprise marketing division in the NHL, was to assess the establishment of IMAX / Ridefilm involvement in NHL rinks SKATE and to determine whether such an approach would increase the exposure of hockey in the United States. To prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors, he has a qualitative assessment of the prospects NHL / Ridefilm offer and perform quantitative analyzes. "Hide
by Elizabeth M. Grasby, Sean Flick Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 9 pages. Publication Date: December 7, 2000. Prod. #: 900M29-PDF-ENG