An Exercise in Designing a Travel Coffee Mug Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

An Exercise in Designing a Travel Coffee Mug Case Study Solution

Persona 1: Babies aging between 3 to 5 years.

Coffee travel mugs can also be used by the babies who rely on milk for their food and are carried outside by their parents. Although the target customers are babies, but the actual purchaser of the Travel Mug to be used by babies for consuming milk or coffee often would be the parents especially mothers. Therefore, the product design should consider the needs and wants of babies along with their parents. The attractive factor based on certain assumptions are given in the following persona for babies.

Persona 1

Persona 2: Males and Females Aging 20-35 years

Another potential market segment for coffee travel mug is the young generation ranging from 20 to 35 years. This target market segment currently consumes less coffee than the older age group segment. Therefore there is a huge potential in the market. The attractive factor based on certain assumptions for this target segment are given in the following persona for young generation.

Persona 2

Step 3: Identify Opportunity Zones

Opportunity zones related to personas stated above lie at two different areas in the PA Map drawn above. These opportunity zones are identified in the PA Map below:

Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zone: 1

The opportunity zone 1 on the PA Map is identified for offering to Persona 1. The basis of identifying the zone is that, parents prefer low price, safer and simpler products for their babies, and consider it as a desire rather than a need or inspiration. As there is no product identified on the map which fulfills the need of persona 1, therefore the area on the map would act as an opportunity for the company.

Opportunity Zone: 2

Persona 2, which is comprised of youngsters, prefer products with high interactivity level and take Travel mug more than a need and slightly less than a desire. As there is no product available on the map to address the needs of youngsters, therefore the opportunity zone 2 is identified on the map for persona 2.


Brochure Project Brief

Since people are busy in their lives and need to know the importance of travel mugs; therefore customized and attractive mugs will surely grab their attention. People are always on the move, and with the help of travel coffee mugs; they will have the convenience of carrying it with them and enjoy tea or coffee in their personal mugs. The brochure for travel coffee mugs will explain the features and purpose of using the coffee travel mugs. The compelling designs and features would surely attract the younger generation for using them. These mugs have the capacity to be reused, which will address the environmental concerns while attracting the users with their designs.

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