Persistent problems for companies as they grow, how to maintain a high level of dynamism and commitment of employees, which resulted in the success of the first days. For many years, thoughtful managers and management theorists have developed a number of approaches to solve this problem, all aimed at providing managers and employees more responsibility and accountability for the performance of their own profit centers. But the authors argue that some companies have taken things as far as Kyocera Corporation, headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, Kyocera manufactures a wide range of industrial ceramics, semiconductors, electronics, and information and telecommunications equipment. During his more than five decades in the business, a key driver of growth and success of Kyocera, the authors say, was his distinctive entrepreneurial culture, known internally as the "amoeba management". Kyocera founder Kazuo Inamori amoeba management system designed to help ordinary employees without surgery or financial backgrounds to see how they can contribute to business success. In Kyocera, has about 3,000 amoeba, most of which are from five to 50 people. They are expected to work independently of each other and find ways to work with other amoebas to achieve profitable growth. Amoebas share their plans with senior managers in the plantwide assembly. Hourly efficiency is the primary measure of performance amoeba. Relation allows us to manage the profitability comparison between amoebas and time. The authors noted that the system of Kyocera better suited for the business environment characterized by intense competition and rapid technological change, because companies in these conditions require decentralized structures. "Hide
by Ralph Adler, Toshiro Hiromoto Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 7 pages. Publication Date: October 1, 2012. Prod. #: SMR430-PDF-ENG