Amisha Gupta, one of the young blood from prestigious college located in Bangalore and newly hired enthusiast in Xciting, one of the highly regarded IT companies located in India, in which many Indians are aspiring to work for. Amisha Gupta faced numerous experiences when hired for the IT Company regarding office culture, professionalism, rigorous training programsand discovering like-minded and abominate colleagues. She cleared the in-depth training programs leading to examination and proved herself to be worthy of being anemployee at Xciter. She was a proactive learner and not the type of individual who wanted to sit idle and run away from work. When she was faced with time bound tasks which are in groups she used to lead the team by giving opinions and ideas which made herwell-known for her leadership skills. She went through difficult phases which includes separation from classmates, friends and newly made friends because of job placement and also experienced underdeveloped branch location incomparison to where she was trained.
Her efforts made her to succeed in examination at Xciting. Her action were quite immature regarding office culture as she has just stepped in the professional world which she was not familiar with. Though her proactive and enthusiastic nature had allowed her to be more diligent towards work and the learning spree attached to her made her extra fanatic regarding the task allocated to her. She used to plan her action concerning the task which was assigned to her by going through its background and meeting its requirements.
Amisha Gupta’s First Year At Work Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
One of the inconsistencies arising among Gupta and the IT Company is the factor of socializing which she expects between team mates and supervisor. In the office she was placed or designated, was far away from previous office, she found a team mate who used to run away from work and desired to remain idle. She is quite a socializing person and likes to discuss ideas and opinions with the supervisors and colleagues. At this new office location she faced tasks which she was unfamiliar with. Although it happens that people face completely unexpected task which is quite imperative thing in organizational culture but the less socialized culture at that new office location was resisting Amisha Gupta to complete her task before deadline. Although her supervisor was there when she got in trouble but sometimes he wasn’t available there.
The other thing Gupta expectedwas to always work on projects and never to remain idle. As she is proactive learner which made her to think that organization should also be proactive in giving tasks. This inconsistency in providing task by the company was drawing a thin line between Gupta and Xciting.
One of the mismatch was the adaption of organization’s culture by Gupta. As Gupta is quite new to organization’s culture because of her first professional year in an organization, which she will get familiar with and must not be a big concern....................
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