American Home Products' (MAI) $ 9 billion hostile takeover of American Cyanamid (Cyanamid) was the largest merger and acquisition costs of the transaction in 1994, and made the AHP's fourth largest pharmaceutical company in the U.S.. At the time of supply AHP in Cyanamid already begun restructuring through the sale of consumer goods companies, spinning off its chemical division and enter into negotiations for the exchange of assets with SmithKline Beecham. AHP engaged in battle, at least in part, to block the asset swap deal. Case takes students in the room and describes the tension generated by different types of Cyanamid management and outside directors on whether absorption. After a tense and painful board meeting, which lasted several days, the board unanimously voted to support the proposal. Rewritten version of the previous two cases. "Hide
by Karen H. Wruck, Sherry Pelkey Roper Source: Harvard Business School 30 pages. Publication Date: Dec 03, 1997. Prod. #: 898120-PDF-ENG