AMB Property Corporation: Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

AMB Property Corporation: Case Solution


AMB Property Corporation is at the top in corporate governance and financial reporting systems. AMB is the best option for those company that wants to publically traded real estate trust that develop and acquire industrial properties. AMB Property Corporation is the best option in the industry. The managers of the corporation are the big owners through options and real stock. The company increases its value in the long run (Hensz et al., 2005). The main mission of the AMB Corporation is to reduce the risk premium and that mission is supported by good disclosure practices and good governance support. The problem faced by the corporation was the deviation in the recording of (REIT) operating performance by generating their particular extent that was based in part on Funds from Operations.  (Maureen McNichols, 2007)

Case Analysis

Benefits and Drawbacks of (EPS, FFO, and NAV) Metric

The choice of which metric to use for valuing a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances, the nature of the REIT, and the investment objectives. Each metric has its benefits and drawbacks (Bryan, 2007).

Earnings per Share (EPS)


Comparable with Non-REIT Stocks

Using EPS allows for straightforward comparisons between REITs and traditional stocks, which may appeal to investors looking for a diversified portfolio.

Incorporates All Income and Expenses

EPS reflects the entire financial performance of the REIT, including property income, financing costs, and other operating expenses.


Not REIT-Centric

EPS does not specifically focus on the unique characteristics of REITs, such as rental income and property-related activities. This can make it less relevant for evaluating REITs compared to other metrics.

Dependent on Accounting Rules

EPS can be influenced by accounting treatments that may not accurately represent the underlying economic performance of the REIT.

Funds from Operations (FFO)



FFO is specifically designed for REITs and is considered a more appropriate metric for evaluating their performance (Bhagat, 2005). It adjusts for certain accounting conventions that can distort earnings.

Widely Accepted

FFO has become the industry standard for evaluating REITs and is widely accepted by investors and analysts in the real estate sector.


Varying Definitions

FFO can have variations in its definition among different REITs, which may lead to inconsistencies in comparisons.

May Not Reflect Economic Reality

While FFO adjusts for certain accounting distortions, it may not fully capture the underlying economic reality of a REIT's performance.

Net Asset Value (NAV)


Valuing Underlying Assets

NAV provides insight into the estimated value of a REIT's underlying real estate assets. This can be particularly valuable for investors interested in the potential for capital appreciation.

Useful for Liquidation Analysis

NAV is crucial for assessing the value of a REIT's assets in the event of liquidation or for understanding the potential downside risk.


Subjective Valuations

Calculating NAV involves subjective assessments of property values, which can vary widely depending on market conditions and methodologies used.

Lack of Income Focus

NAV does not emphasize the income-generating aspects of REITs, which may be less suitable for income-oriented investors.

In conclusion, the choice of metric depends on an investor's specific goals and preferences. FFO is often considered the most appropriate metric for valuing REITs because it is tailored to their unique characteristics. However, some investors may also consider EPS or NAV in conjunction with FFO to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a REIT's financial health and growth potential (Hunton et al., 2005).

Comparison of AMB disclosure and methodology with other companies

To compare AMB Property Corporation's disclosure and methodology for calculating (FFO) with other REITs listed in the exhibits, we will examine the relevant information provided in the case and exhibits (Hansz, 2007).

AMB Property Corporation

Disclosure Language and Methodology

AMB Property Corporation emphasizes its commitment to transparency and provides detailed explanations of its FFO calculation, including the reconciliation to GAAP net income. It also includes an explanation of adjustments made to arrive at FFO.

AMB follows NAREIT's definition of FFO, which includes net income adjusted for gains/losses on the sale of depreciable property, depreciation, and amortization of real estate assets.

Other companies

Disclosure Language

Prologis Inc. (Exhibit 8) provides a clear explanation of its FFO calculation, with a focus on transparency. It includes a reconciliation of FFO to net income.

Simon Property Group Inc. (Exhibit 9) provides detailed information on its FFO calculation, emphasizing transparency. It includes a reconciliation to GAAP net income.

Ventas Inc. (Exhibit 11) offers a clear and transparent explanation of its FFO calculation. It includes a reconciliation to GAAP net income.............

AMB Property Corporation Case Solution

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