Amazon.Com Inc Retailing Giant to High-Tech Player
Amazon Inc. is known as the one of the world’s largest online retail stores having the business spread all over the world including Japan, UK, North America, Latin America and South America.
Amazon is known as the worldwide cheapest online retail store which enables users to explore a vast range of eBooksand other accessories Amazon believed in the strategy to give the cheapest online shopping solutions.
Amazon has a vast range of online shopping products and offers a wide and quick range of delivery system also the company made most of its offices and warehouses near the airports to be more convenient for the users.
The company acquired many giant online companies such as Zappos (online shoe store) to enter in the vast segment of other products. Also it started to work as a logistics company to earn more revenue and to reduce its own warehousing costs.
Problem Statement/ Dilemma
The company recently was facing a decline in sales and profits growth also it was incurring a huge operating cost to run its business also its sales were increasing both profits were still inconsistent also there were a large no of competitors competing in the same industry like Apple, Ebay etc.
To solve this problem the company tried to enter in new segments like introducing its Tablet computer, its online newspaper and eBooks reading device but still the company was facing competitive pressures while all of the competitors were traveling to a journey of growth but Amazon was not in the same journey.
The problems include the shifting demands of the users, the high-speed change of technology, and strong competitors and competition in the industry.
This study will try to identify the problems the company was facing, the company’s internal strengths, its weaknesses, its opportunities and threats. Also the firm’s competing position, the business style, and the industry attractiveness.
The study will guide through that the company has to diversify or to maintain the same business, the other alternatives, as well as the future growth potentials and threats.
Vision of the company
“To be the largest online market place on earth”
Mission of the company
“Our mission is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”
The company is currently focused towards the entrance in high tech industry where they are not working such as Smartphone the company’s core objective is to give the customers more convenient and on the go solution worldwide as per the indication of their mission statement.
The other more highlighted objectives on which the company is focusing are as under
• To give customer easy one click online shopping solution
• To give customer easy and accessible solution from where they easily give orders
• To provide the most fast and high quality service and delivery solution
• To give them a proper platform form where they discover everything they want to purchase
• To develop an easy online shopping solution and platform where everything is away from one click
• To provide everything on the go for the users
Strategic Management
As far as concern with the main strategy the company is focusing towards the overall Low Cost Strategy.Through this strategy the company is following to cut the costs drastically and to provide the most efficient solutions to its users also the company is focusing towards the availability of innovative solutions regarding to online shopping while providing the cheapest prices...............
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