Amazon.Com, 2016 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Amazon.Com, 2016 Case Study Solution

Liz Pearce, who dedicated two intense years of her life to Amazon said: "I had seen people passing out after facing difficulties to bring things that are far greater than any other metric”.

Open leadership. The administration style of Mr. Bezos is strongly influenced by his strange personality, including: "a will to tell others how to act; a sense of importance close to struggling and a strong belief in acceptance power”.


Since its inception; Mr. Bezos led Amazon to fight the forces as he thought that he could stick to the business and could decrease the power: "administration, waste, and lack of complication," according to the report.

Thoughtless Administration.Staff who were going through critical phases of their lives such as chemotherapy and other personal life-altering events, were considered as incapable and were let go of.

Soon after the layoff of such employees, the administration "to make sure that the focus remains on the work.

 To love censure is to love one another. One of the faiths of Mr. Bezos is utterly unique from the founders of other organizations, as Mr. Bezos believes that Amazon’s employees should “challenge and commit itself” (law No. 13 of The Articles of Faith), which means-con ducting a sour response to their co-workers before sympathizing with a decision.

Lack of benefits.Where firms like Google and Facebook provide advanced benefits to their workers in order to get them motivated and by promoting their well-being through gyms, diets and other special benefits "made to take care of you all," as Google explains; Amazon does not provide such benefits to its workers at all.

Although, Amazon’svictorious intermediary managers receive excellent pay, but the workers are always told to clarify the “concerns of their customers” and to always try to satisfy the needs of their consumers.

Reportedly, Amazon has a policy for new workers which is to return a part of their sign-up bonus if they decide to quit their jobs leave prior to a year, and another policy for the employees is that they would be required to pay half of their transportation-allowance back  if they decide on quitting their jobs within 2 years.

Leaving Workers need for an employee's health balance. Some Amazon employees claim for the Amazon’s work culture to be favorable for them while other have showed their dissatisfaction and concerns over the overly-aggressive work culture of the organization as many workers spend extra hours on work from home during night time and they are asked to work on holidays as well. They are asked to attend meeting calls on Easter Sunday and other holidays, and often face administration’s criticism for weak internet networks on holidays, which tend to take a toll over their health.

Specify alternative courses of action. Simple Problem Solving Framework:

  • Level 0 - I do not see anissue (!)
  • Level 1 - Identify the issue and raise it.
  • Level 2 - Identify the issue and describe it clearly.
  • (well-defined issue solved by half)
  • Step 3 - Identify the issue, explain it plainly, and know the cause
  • Step 4 - Plan ahead to avoid anissue or issue arising from another (prevention is better than cure)
  • Step 5 - Find a functional and efficient solution to the problem
  • Step 6 - Find a solution of the issue.

(For example, one that saves more than its value, or covers the way to other achievements)

  • Step 7 - Take an initiative to use the solution or improve the operations.
  • Level 8 - Look forward to the problem prevention- create new chances for having a constant improvement.

Evaluate each course of action.

Observe and achieve progress through these problem resolving stages, and if possible, make unconventional identification of the topics, roles or previous issues faced by the firm.

Create a culture that observes the best possible efforts. Be patient with the problem-solvers before showing any aggression and demanding for a speedy procedures as there might be underlying issues slowing down the producer.Provide resources and opportunities for people to advance their talents and enlighten the creative solutions.

Another option is to hire a specific person of a set of specific individuals who should be respondent to the issues which they have capability of solving efficiently, as such people would be more eligible to solve a problem or an error rather than consulting various individuals to work on the same problem, which might lead towards more errors due to lack of previous knowledge of previous solutions.

Some of the best alternatives come from operating together as a team for problem solving.

Try to get your consumers and partners involved as they are not from within the organization and can often lead towards the finding of a better solution when brought together in a team. These collaborative creations often encourage trust and understanding. (Consider the open-source and crowd refining.

Encourage your self-recognition and motivate people to ask for help so that they could work on overcoming their weaknesses and improving their strengths.

The aforementioned Problem-solving alternatives tend to create strength for the firm.  The firms that support and reward their employees rather than criticizing their employees on frequent basis, have more potential to compete against their rivals as they would have their employees’ loyalties attached to the firm, which could bring any organization out of a severe crisis, as no organization can ever achieve its goals if its employees are unhappy with it................................

Amazon.Com, 2016 Case Study Solution

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