In January 2009, investors evaluate their investment in Nortel Networks Corporation. Nortel recently filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States and Canada, that is, all its initial investment was almost certainly lost. Nortel has filed a total of four sets of accounting from 2003 to 2007, which led to action lawsuits from investors and investigations with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Securities Commission of Ontario (OSC). Given his loss, the investor is interested in whether there are any indications that the practice of Nortel accounting was problematic. He also wanted to understand the accounting issues raised in the SEC and OSC research, such as improper revenue recognition and improper recording situation. In general, the investor wanted to learn from his loss with Nortel, to make stronger future investment choices. "Hide
by Darren Henderson, Chris Sturby, Christina Liu Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 12 pages. Publication Date: August 20, 2012. Prod. #: W12147-PDF-ENG