Alex Montana sat at the table thinking about a career decision for him. Alex was the Director of the Division of the North American ESH production, $ 4.6 billion, Cleveland-company with operations on three continents. General Director of ESH was only offered Montana promoting global vice president. Typically, Montana would grasped the opportunity, but he was worried about the impact on his already strained personal life. After his last promotion, he could barely balance the demand for a workload with their responsibilities to his wife and daughter at home. Montana felt pressure to accept a promotion. His boss was expecting it to take, in fact, his boss said that he had no second choice. He always dreamed of making it big in the business world. Success in this new role could put him in motion to the chief operating officer and, eventually, general manager. But at what cost? "Hide
by Thomas J. DeLong, Michael Kernish Source: Harvard Business School 9 pages. Publication Date: June 30, 2005. Prod. #: 405106-PDF-ENG