The report illustrates the Marketing plan of Ajwa dates, planning to operate in Indian market. It outlines the Business objectives o the AJK to expand into Indian market, which for heaps few years have showing tremendous growth and market opportunity,
Under the particular plan, the company is planning to enter into the major cities of India, with cost leadership strategy, targeting the people from all age group through social media, bill board marketing and other Channels so to develop strong brand awareness.
It is further planning to offer the market three categories of Ajwa Dates, depending on the packaging and quality, however it won’t effect the originality of the dates. Such business approach offers the company the opportunity to expand and offer premium and mod tier product in the market easily, while dealing with the internal and international competition simultaneously.
Lastly, since the marketing objectives of Ajk includes expansion into the emerging markets and offering the markets the original Ajwa, the marketing goals to create certain awareness through beauty bloggers and fitness bloggers, so to maintain the strong brand image and awareness of the product in the Indian market.
AJK Enterprise – Ajwa Dates Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
The AJK enterprise, is planning to export it Key product, i.e. Ajwa Date in Indian Market and this Marketing Plan is about the export of KSA to India. AJWA Date is a very lower barrier at the market level.
The market analysis performed and the overall criteria of the Indian market also evaluated to send the product. The overall guidelines are also mentioned in the plan that has to be followed for fruitful trade between these two countries.
Historical Background of KSA:
Saudi Arabia (KSA), holds about 37% of the worlds’ export ratio of Dates. The estimation of about 45 thousand tons of dates were took by nine million of hajjis (pilgrims), and other individuals in 2017. The World Trade Organization was made in 2005. Unemployment is currently about 13% (local bank assessment; the range is as great as 25%).The total area is about 1,960,582 sq. km, about 1/5th of the proportion of the US, whereas the overall climate is rough, dry harsh and extreme temperatures are noted. Most of the times uninhabited & sandy deserts. The main natural possessions include fuel, natural gas, gold and date tress. The total population is about 27,019,731, which also includes 5,576,076 non-national individuals. Apart from Ajwa and Other kinds of Dates, KSA’s other natural possessions include gold, petroleum and natural gas, & the state money is the riyal (SAR).
Situation Analysis:
This Situation Analysis will be conducting a research on the AJK Company, its history and its consequences & also a brief country analysis of India, i.e. after that, the Situation Analysis will consider India as the target market and will further conduct an analysis of history, economy, culture and the people of India.
Company Overview– AJK COMPANY:
This project concerns India as the Target Market for KSA for exporting its major product, i.e. Ajwa Dates...................
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