Agile Electric: Quality Issues in a Global Supply Chain Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Agile Electric: Quality Issues in a Global Supply Chain Case Study Help


Agile Electric is a global electrical equipment manufacturing company that produces a wide range of products, including motors, generators, and transformers. The company has been facing quality issues in its supply chain, which has been affecting its operations and reputation. The case study presents a detailed analysis of the problems faced by Agile Electric and provides recommendations for addressing these issues.

The case study highlights the importance of supply chain management and quality control in global manufacturing companies and the challenges associated with managing a complex supply chain in a highly competitive market. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the case study, including an overview of the company, the issues faced, and the proposed solutions to address the problems.

The case highlights the challenges faced by Agile Electric, a leading electrical equipment manufacturer in India, due to quality issues in its global supply chain. The case discusses the company's efforts to expand its operations globally, which led to an increase in its dependence on suppliers from different parts of the world. The case outlines how quality issues in the supply chain adversely impacted the company's reputation and financial performance. The case study also sheds light on the steps taken by Agile Electric to address the quality issues and improve its supply chain management practices.


Agile Electric is a US-based automotive parts supplier that specializes in producing electrical components such as motors, alternators, and starters. The company operates globally, with manufacturing facilities in Mexico and China, and a design center in the United States.

Ford is one of Agile's primary customers, and the company supplies electrical components to Ford's assembly plants in North America, South America, and Europe. Automek, a Tier 1 supplier to Ford, sources electrical components from Agile for Ford. ECPL is another Tier 1 supplier to Ford that sources electrical components from Agile. Tier 4 suppliers refer to the manufacturers who supply raw materials or components to Tier 1 suppliers.

Automek is a Tier 1 supplier to Ford Motor Company that is responsible for assembling complete instrument panels and center consoles for various Ford models. Automek is responsible for sourcing electrical components such as motors, alternators, and starters from Agile Electric. Automek is a key supplier to Agile Electric and is responsible for providing critical components used in the production of Agile's electric motors. The relationship between Automek and Agile Electric is crucial to the success of both companies, and any disruptions or quality issues in Automek's supply chain can have a significant impact on Agile's operations.

Automek's production facilities are located in India, and the company has a reputation for producing high-quality components at a low cost. Automek has been able to achieve this by investing heavily in automation and using advanced manufacturing techniques. Despite its reputation for quality, Automek has been experiencing some production issues lately, which have affected its ability to meet Agile's demand for components.


Agile Electric is a US-based automotive parts supplier that specializes in producing electrical components such as motors, alternators, and starters. The company operates globally, with manufacturing facilities in Mexico and China, and a design center in the United States. Agile is one of the primary suppliers of electrical components to Ford, and its products are used in various Ford models.


ECPL, or the Electrical Component Procurement List, was a database created by Ford to track and manage the supply of electrical components from Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers. This was done to ensure that the components met Ford's specifications and quality standards and that they were delivered on time to support Ford's production schedules. ECPL was an important part of Ford's overall supply chain management system, as it helped to ensure that the right components were available at the right time to support production.

ECPL was particularly important for electrical components, as these components were critical to the operation of Ford's vehicles. Issues with electrical components could result in safety problems, vehicle breakdowns, and even recalls, all of which could have serious financial and reputational impacts for Ford. By managing the supply of electrical components through ECPL, Ford could reduce the risk of these problems occurring and ensure that their vehicles met the high standards that their customers expected...............

Agile Electric Quality Issues in a Global Supply Chain Case Study Help

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