Ageism in the workplace: A review of literature Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Ageism in the workplace: A review of literature Case Study Solution

What Is Ageism In Workplace?

Ageism in the work place is actually a misconception in the mind of the people that elderly aged people working in the organizations are less productive, less adaptable to new developments, and possess coping avoidance behavior (Guido Hertel) (Thang.). Although elderly aged people are found to be more reliable than the younger employee working within the organizations and possess more controlled behavior. The ageism in the workplace could be well balanced by the companies by involving the aged people working within the organization in the training and development programs offered by the companies to its younger employee. In general ageism is ignoring the potential of the elderly aged individuals employed in the organizations through discrimination and misconception created in the mind of people regarding elderly aged employees. The ageism in the workplace could be eliminated by removing the misconception from the younger employee of the organization about the elderly aged people in the organizations. This misconception could be removed by eliminating the bias towards the age factor of the employees and eliminating the bias of age gap which could help the younger employees to eliminate the misconception and learn from the skills, expertise and experience of the elderly aged individuals working with in the organizations (Thang.).

Transferability of Ageism in Workplace:

The ageism in the work place could be transferred by implementing the policies and regulation which could reduce the gap between the elderly aged people and the younger people working with in the organizations. The companies and organizations could take advantage by implementing policies which include the training and development programs conducted by the elder aged employees of the companies and involve elder aged people working in the organization in the training and development programs arranged for the younger employees of the companies. The transferability of ageism could also be implemented by the development of policies by the organization to ease employment for the aged people who are looking for jobs or work after the age of their retirement. It is also observed that people used to work after retirement to remain healthy which also provide them financial benefits. Developing programs regarding job placement for elderly aged people looking for job after retirement will enable the company to take advantage of the hidden potential possessed by the elderly aged people because of the vast experience they possess. The organizations could also take help from their experience by providing training and development program to the younger employee of their companies from these elderly aged people either working or looking for jobs after the age of retirement. Hence, transferability of ageism from the work place could be eliminated by implementing the policies to reduce the gap by eliminating bias between the elderly aged people and the younger aged people (Ranu Sewdas) (Sanna Malinen).


After analyzing and evaluating the several research papers it is identified that the future studies and implication would enable the companies to develop a framework which could provide ease, training and development to the elderly aged people in the organization. The regulation and framework developed by the organizations and companies should also focus upon providing the facilities to the aged worker who are looking for job after the age of retirement, so that companies could take advantage from the expertise and experience possessed by those elderly aged worker who are looking for job after the age of retirement. The organizations could also develop the programs which could enable the organizations to provide job mobility to the individuals in the organization. This will provide motivation and diversification in learning for the elderly aged people working within the organization and hence keep the elderly aged people motivated in learning the new work within the organizations. The emotion regulation strategies possessed by the elderly aged people could also help the organization to train their younger employee. Companies should conduct training and development program under the supervision of the elderly aged people in the organization to train and improve the emotional strategies of the younger individual working within the organization. Although the need for the elderly aged people was increased due to the expertise and experience they possess but this need could be diversified away by training younger employees with the help of elderly aged employees. Thus age management is important and crucial role that the organization should adopt to increase the efficiency of the organization and the development of their employees which will provide the benefits to the company in future through implications of regulated techniques designed and implemented by the organizations. It is also identified from the articles that vitality in the elder aged and younger people working in the organization helps them to improve their performance regarding extrinsic and intrinsic career success. (Hennekam)...........


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