The case history draws charismatic and ambitious young business leaders who, in the added value of business, helped to establish the South African pharmaceutical company, Adcock Ingram, the trajectory of growth. Case the reader meets him in May 2009, when he is faced with the lack of closure and mixed results offer to acquire smaller pharmaceutical company. The case demonstrates the power relations, where ambition different parties around the negotiating table and incentives that shape their unions can make or break a strategic transaction business. In contrast to the view point of strategic decision making for class discussion, the case presents students with the opportunity to analyze the adverse outcome of the transaction, and to build the concept of behavioral requirements of success in business transactions. The case has been designed for class discussion and analysis of the factors underlying the guidance or influence purchases. In contrast to the acquisition of a business case analysis, it focuses on the behavioral components of management decision-making and their impact on business results. Case can provide a platform for discussion of motives, interpersonal skills and relationships, and business activities in acquisitions. "Hide
by Charlene C. Lew Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 16 pages. Publication Date: June 10, 2010. Prod. #: 910C08-PDF-ENG