The ACE Venture Fund case scenario is a 501(c)3 social venture support that expects to put money into projects that help the poor around the globe. The donors of the fund, 15 Boston-based high-tech entrepreneurs, were interested in backing social entrepreneurs who had advanced and unique approaches to solving societal problems.
The case provides opportunities for pupils to: understand the best way to develop a cohesive strategy for an enterprise focused on maximizing social value; research the range of approaches available to appraise the societal impact of investments in the nonprofit sector as well as in the area of corporate social responsibility; appreciate the relevance of defining the metrics, notably in the field of societal value creation, since there are not any standardized definitions for even the commonly used metrics; comprehend the specific data needs under various strategies; and comprehend the consequences of the data requirements of various strategies on project choice for funding.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about FINANCE & ACCOUNTING