In January 2006, Andrew Banks and Royce Yudkoff considering raising its fifth fund for media attention private equity firm, ABRY Partners. ABRY had a strong track record, co-founders attributed to his deep knowledge of the media industry and the relationship with the creditors of the media, combined with customer-service approach to working with limited liability. For funds, banks and Yudkoff intended to raise $ 1 billion and continue their existing strategy, the potential of Limited Partners reported that they would be willing to commit to $ 4 billion. Banks and Yudkoff had to decide whether the four capital in its latest fund. "Hide
by Nabil N. El-Hage, Richard S. Ruback, Leslie S. Pearson Source: Harvard Business School 7 pages. Publication Date: July 26, 2007. Prod. #: 208027-PDF-ENG