The case targets the execution challenges facing the Chairman Nandan Nilekani, and Ram Sevak Sharma, Director General and Mission Director of the Unique Identification Authority of India. India had no nationally approved way to demonstrate identity and hence 42% of the people at the base of the pyramid had to retract to bribery to access entitlements, while a net of fake or multiple identities eased criminal diversion of government subsidies.
UIDAI was tasked to deliver a distinctive identification number to every Indian resident. This required the problem of a total of 1.2 billion unique IDs by 2020 and an interim goal of 600 million UIDs by 2014 - the largest information management plan internationally. The case scenario handles the confrontation of implementation of a towering vision, of performing on a heroic technology project and of changing thoughts on an unprecedented scale. It observes the forces that both ease and derail change. Additionally, it examines the leadership style as well as motivation of Nilekani, along with the transition in skills needed to move from constructing a global organization to working within the Indian bureaucracy.
PUBLICATION DATE: January 11, 2012 PRODUCT #: 712412-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP