A new study by the authors on the information exchange process in 20 multinational companies shows how companies are not adapted to the ebb and flow of the relevant markets. With the market information they have, they are often not able to handle it properly. These problems are serious obstacles in the way of innovation. The authors discuss these barriers in depth, grouped according to the firm's ability to know, understand and use information about the market. Overcoming these barriers is possible, they say, if you have the right organizational relationship or thinking. It depends on the openness of the internal and horizontal linkages between people who work for the company, which allows the free flow of context information. This information, in turn, be used to make decisions, because it makes no sense to have information on the market, if no one uses it later. Moreover, that firms take this market orientation, the better they will be in customer satisfaction and innovation "Hide
by Carlos Garcia Pont, Paulo Rocha Source: IESE-Insight Magazine 8 pages. Publication Date: September 15, 2012. Prod. #: IIR079-PDF-ENG