Based on the strong recent growth in sales, but humbled failed policy rates and other missteps, Intel in 2005, initiated a reorganization. Under its new CEO, Paul Otellini, the company shifted to a "platform" model, inspired by the success of its Centrino mobile computing product. This model has led Intel to develop not only faster computer chips - a historical source of his reign microprocessor industry - but also the products that are included ingredients in ways that serve the specific needs of usability. Support for such products, Intel continues to invest heavily in production capacity and new chip technology. Meanwhile, the company has faced problems of strong competing chips, in particular, Advanced Micro Devices. The contours of the strategic reorientation of Intel, its competitive environment, and some of the key new initiatives. Covers of Intel Itanium server product, its new platform Viiv, investment in WiMax, and its recent deal with Apple Computer. "Hide
by David B. Yoffie, Michael Slind Source: Harvard Business School 8 pages. Publication Date: October 12, 2005. Prod. #: 706437-PDF-ENG