January 27, 2005, was an exceptional day for James Kilts Gillette, a show-stopping turn expert known as "Razor Boss Boston." Kilts, along with Proctor & Gamble chairman Alan Lafley, newly organized $ 57 billion acquisition of Gillette by P & G. Creating the largest company in the world of consumer products over a four kilts, as CEO of Gillette and bring to an end the 104-year history of Gillette as an independent corporate titan in the Boston area. The deal is also limited by a series of courtship between Gillette and other companies that have changed at different points in kilts management of Gillette. But almost immediately after the deal was announced, P & G and Gillette has drawn criticism from the media and the state of Massachusetts, relating to the conditions of sale. Will this merger actually benefit shareholders, or if it was the main vehicle for creating wealth kilts? "Hide
by David P. Stowell, Christopher D Grogan Source: Kellogg School Management 18 pages. Publication Date: June 1, 2006. Prod. #: KEL183-PDF-ENG