Jim Quigley, CEO of consulting practice of Deloitte & Touche, the author asks the senior partner Cathy Benko lead to sensational initiative Deloitte & Touche for the preservation and improvement of Women (WIN). Benko, is the lead partner for customer service at one of the largest West Bank and Deloitte commitments high tech company leader, rejected the proposal. This sets off a series of moves the players for the entire firm. Case, early career Benko in detail the reasons why Quigley believes that she is the right person to lead this initiative. Both Quigley and Benko decisions and actions that define the role of the Benko as a leader in the firm. "Hide
by Deborah M. Kolb, Cailin B. Hammer, Kathleen L. McGinn Source: HBS 10 pages. Publication Date: September 28, 2006. Prod. #: 907026-PDF-ENG