In October 2005, the Bush administration is considering drastic changes to the aid of the U.S. Food program, which would take 25 percent of the budget that could be used to buy food home and instead of sending direct cash transfers, which can be used to purchase food or close countries desperately need. Help the U.S. Food Program has traditionally enjoyed support in Congress because it provided support American farmers, agriculture, the United States and shipping interests in addition to non-governmental organizations such as Catholic Relief Services and care. The case considers the proposal in terms of four different stakeholders: Cargill, USAID, Catholic Relief Services, and Oxfam. Everyone has to come up with an answer to this request. "Hide
by Timothy Feddersen, Senoe Torgerson Source: Kellogg School Management 18 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 2007. Prod. #: KEL342-PDF-ENG