While most managers will think long and hard to bring to market a product that did not have patent protection and can be easily imitated, much to invest in equities - lotteries, coupons, limited time discount price, free gifts or samples, special events, displays, Membership Rewards, aimed consumer promotions, and so on - that it is easier to imitate than just a new product. Other plans to sign so general that they do not seem related to the brand or the company offering it, despite the fact that the sale of shares can absorb a significant portion of advertising dollars - now reported 31% of marketing budgets. In contrast, the strategic focus - given how customers and competitors will react to any advertising efforts, as well as the message delivered, and the growth in the market of brand delivery - leads to action that can not be simulated or delay and receive a disproportionate benefit to the companies already developed a strong competitive position. Shows that when all of these strategic factors are aligned, as a result of a successful career, and it shows that with a successful campaign conducted by General Motors, Home Depot, Procter & Gamble and others. However, such an advertising strategy requires ingenuity, originality and fast action - the quality, nor things present, nor encouraged in many corporate cultures in which knowledge and predictability sought after. Managers in these organizations must not only adapt successfully move to its intended market, but also skillfully shepherd through internal barriers. Knowing why, how, and to whom the shares are likely to be profitable, will certainly help in this matter. "Hide
by Betsy Gelb, Demetra Andrews and Son Lam Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 7 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2007. Prod. #: SMR248-PDF-ENG