London– Grand Bend Bicycle Tour Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

London– Grand Bend Bicycale Tour Case Solution

Case Over view

This case is regarding the nonprofit organization, Multiple Selerosis Society of Canada (MS Society), which helps the people affected by Multiple Selers is globally. Multiple Selerosis is a disease which includes loss of balance, impaired speech, and paralysis. About 2.5 million people are affected by multiple Selerosis globally. MS Society has offices in almost every continent of the world, and each division operates through fund raising globally.

The case is specifically associated with Grand Cycling event in Ontario which is the key source of fundraising for Ontario division of MS Society. Ontario division of MS Society serves 13000 people in Ontario, which are just 26% of people with MS in Ontario, due to this MS Society wants to increase its services in Ontario. Hundreds of cyclists participated in the Grand Cycling event, and each cyclist was required to raise minimum $200 from their sponsors. The route planning of the cycling event is a concern for the MS society asit will increase the awareness of MS Society in Ontario.

Network diagram for the bicycle route planning

            Figure 1s hows the network diagram for the bicycle route planning, as well as the processes involved in the completion of the bicycle route. This diagram indicates that the workings of Mcnulty at specified times to carry out the task provided to her. The tasks of Mcnulty include preparation of potential routes, contacting local authorities to make sure if there is no obstacle within that route, and if so, then apply changes in the prospective routes to complete the task effectively.

After this, the certificates of insurance should be taken from the local councils as it would allowto carry out the proposed plan. Mcnulty also communicates with emergency service providers such as police stations, hospitals and ambulances to aid the injured cyclists because in races, accidents may take place. Communication with residents and shopkeepers near the located checkpoints is also the duty of Mcnulty.

Earliest completion time using

            In this area, we have analyzed the minimum time to perform the above mentioned tasks by Mcknulty. By dividing the route planning of grand cycling event into various tasks, it will be easy to allocate the time and energy over the different tasks.

The optimistic times

            As figure 2 shows that optimistic plan would provide minimum days to complete with an overall responsibility as this plan ignores any uncertainty which may take place.An example of this could be; if a shopkeeper and local residents deny providing assistance to the cyclist at the located checkpoints.

The most likely times

            This plan provides 70 days (in Figure no.2) to complete the entire program which is in between the optimistic and pessimistic times. This plan gives consideration on the likelihood of a single duty and provides timings which have a higher probability to take place. For instance communication with local councils regarding the information of draft routes is a time consuming activity which is why it provides 15 days to perform those tasks.

The pessimistic times

            The pessimistic time indicates a long period of time, and if this happens, then the task would not be done on time and that it would have to be postponed. Figure 2 indicates that 109 days will be invested on arranging the event, and this will be the worst case scenario for this event. The possibility of this happening is very low.


            Communication with the road departments and country councils are the most time consuming activities by giving consideration on which it could be helpful to reduce the timings of those activities. Moreover, also by not doing useless things such as contacting six fire stations for the grand cycling tour, then in that case, the business working days for planning the project can be minimized..............

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