Before the deregulation of the industry in 2006, Queensland Sugar ran a desk marketing system for Australian raw sugar exports. With deregulation, eight out of ten Queensland sugar millers have decided to continue the collective marketing through QSL. However, some millers threaten to leave the group and the market itself. Their main objection is to the structure of the board of QSL, which is now divided equally between the millers, producers and independent directors. The case describes the evolution of the sugar industry in Australia, the different interests of producers, millers, and customers, and the impact of changes in the global network (for example, the growth of Brazil as a major producer of sugar cane and sugar production) and demand (for example, the increased use of sugar cane for ethanol production). "Hide
by David E. Bell, Mary Shelman Source: Harvard Business School 34 pages. Publication Date: December 14, 2007. Prod. #: 508038-PDF-ENG