One Hundred Years of Excellence in Business Education: What Have We Learned Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

As a new generation of business leaders will be determined by how the business school to answer a number of fundamental changes occurring in the environment of higher education. While specific initiatives will vary widely, one thing is clear: business schools must be more flexible, more innovative and more efficient than ever before. Kelley School of Business, Indiana University has consistently been at the forefront of business education. Over the last century, the school has developed a range of options, which allowed him to make a force that shaped the development of business education. In this article we look at some important trends affecting the future of business education and share the success of the principles that we believe are most applicable to thriving in the new world, which is on our doorstep. "Hide
by Frank Acito, Patricia M. McDougall, Daniel C. Smith Source: Business Horizons 8 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 2008. Prod. #: BH258-PDF-ENG

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