Sharp Corporation: Beyond Japan Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Sharp Corporation: Beyond Japan Case Solution 

Identification of the core problem:

The company was incorporated with the traditional business strategies and it was unable to bring innovations on its products due to the challenging economic environment. In addition, the company was operating typically, by using its manufacturing plant for production. Apart from that the competitors, in order to focus on their core competencies, were outsourcing by through better suppliers.


The analysis of external and internal capabilities of the Sharp Corporation would lead to draw the reasons of core issues.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is the best source for evaluating internal and external competencies of any company.


The companywas developedthrough the technological development in the electronic market. It isincorporated with 60% sales of the entire Japanese market. The Sharp Corporation isthe market leader of the research and development of LCD technology enhancement.


The major issue that Sharp Corporation faced was from its competitors. The competitors of Sharp Corporation were operatingglobally, and as a result the company was unable to compete with them. There were many reasons for which the company faced such issues. However, the primary reason was the backwardness of the operations. The company was operating with the same old strategies which it had been using since its inceptiontherefore, Sharp Corporation was unable to perform well as its competitors were performing better than it. Furthermore, the companywas involved in manufacturing locally whichis why the cost of the manufacturing had to be paidby the customers which was added to the price of the products which they purchased.The company also has been involved in the enlargement of LCD technology however, it has not reached the pointto which its competitors were developing.


The enormously growing industry made the Sharp Corporation struggle toward strategic moves. Moreover, the company can benefit with the co–location of its suppliers. Furthermore, the outcome it was generating from the plant was also critical for the enterprise. Thus, by utilizing its resources, the company can cope up with its weaknesses. The market trends of innovators in different region of the world are the key components with which the Sharp Corporation can expand.


The competitors of Sharp Corporation such as Toshiba, Apple and Sony were bringing innovation to the industry thus, the customers were being attracted by the technological development on the electronic products which was being provided by the company’s competitors.However, in order to compete with its rivals, the Sharp Corporation can be cost effective. Moreover, the utility costs, infrastructure costs, taxes enhancement and the increasing expenses of the transportation were the threats for the company.....................

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