Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices, Spanish Version Case Solution
This article took place during 1990s when the company NIke among the world's most successful footwear companies, is hit by a spate of alarmingly bad publicity. After years of high profile media interest as the business that can "only do it," Nike is unexpectedly being shown as a business that relies on low cost, used labor in its foreign plants.
Nike officials deny the charges, asserting that Nike does not have any control over the independent contractors who make Nike shoes. But the activists will notpull away. Eventually, Nike must learn to take care of the activists' claims and with the tangle of contradictory information that encompasses the notion of a "reasonable" or "living" wage.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about GLOBAL BUSINESS
PUBLICATION DATE: January 19, 2000 PRODUCT #: 712S17-HCB-SPA