A Challenging Workplace Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

A Challenging Workplace                                                         Case Solution



Cultures comprise of the traditions and beliefs that make every group unique. The major characteristics that define a culture and make each one unique in its own way, which were discovered by Hofstede are as following;

• Power Distance

It refers to the power distribution between different levels of a culture as some cultures prefer power to be equally shared while some prefer unequal distribution of power.

• Uncertainty Avoidance

Some cultures or societies prefer to avoid uncertainties by properly planning and carefully examining of deals to reduce uncertainty. Other countries may not perform such procedures to reduce uncertainties and will accept such uncertainties.

• Individualism or Collectivism

There are two types of collectivism that are seen in cultures and they are following;

o Institutional Collectivism

When the society encourages collective actions either by force or teachings,then this is known as institutional collectivism and the society identifies broader interest of society rather than individual interests.

o In-Group Collectivism

It refers to people of societies expressing pride and loyalty to their culture or country. In such societies, people give priority to their families and organizations.

• Masculinity or Femininity

This dimension tells about the gender equality in a culture, as some cultures believe that masculine gender should be above feminine and therefore, feminine are not treated equally.

• Orientation

Following are attributes that people of different societies possess;

o Future Orientation

It refers to future oriented behaviors that the members of a society have regarding planning and investing in futures.

o Performance Orientation

It refers to societies that encourage their people who perform well and reward them for their performance and if they are not performing, then they look for reasons.

o Humane Orientation

It refers to the extent to which societies encourage and reward their members for humane actions such as fairness, honesty, caring and etc.

• Assertiveness

It refers to assertiveness, forcefulness and aggressiveness that the members of societies possess.(Hofstede, 1997)

Comparison between North-American and Japanese Working Styles
Based on Hofstede model for “Dimensions of Cultures”, we can compare the working styles of the North America and Japan and find similarities and differences in the cultures;

• Masculinity or Femininity

The masculinity-femininity factor is very high for Japan, as females do not usually work in Japanese offices and male-female employee ratio is also very less in Japan, whereas in America gender equality is preferred and most businesses usually prefer a diversified staff, therefore male-female working ratio is high in America.

• Individualism or Collectivism

Japanese culture promotes high values for family and organizations, whereas people in USA usually prefer to live independently, therefore it can be said that Japanese culture is based on collectivism and the American culture is an Individualist culture.

• Power Distance

Power distance amongst both cultures is similar as both cultures prefer equal sharing of power and all people are considered equal and can question his senior.

• Uncertainty Avoidance

American people widely accept risks and the American history is a proof that many successful businesses were started by taking huge risks, as compared to Japanese culture which focuses on planning and investment for the future and the Japanese try to avoid uncertainty as much as they can by carefully examining their actions and giving considerable thought to deals before accepting them.

• Orientation

Japanese are also good in future orientation as they consider the future and invest in it and also encourage employees for their good performance. On the other hand,America practices this less and the reward is given to those who take more risks while they also think about future planning but not as much as compared to Japanese.

• Assertiveness

Both cultures have same level of assertiveness and members of both societies are seen as less forceful however,nowadays America is considered more forceful and assertive than before.....................

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