In the case of right hand sided heart failure the heart is unable to pump the blood to the body and the blood backs up in large vessels of lungs. The symptoms of left sided heart failure are as follows, which are common in the adults are coughing, decrease in urination, problem in breathing, weakness, frequent increase or decrease in pulse, feeling the heart beats and gaining weight.
owever the symptoms in infants are different than the above but some of them are same such as Failure to thrive, reduced intake of food and poor health.
Left sided heart failure is characterized by dyspnea, orthopnea, fatigue, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, palpitations and coughing up blood tinged mucus. However right hand sided heart failure is the result of the left hand sided heart failure. The increase in pressure and volume of blood in the heart causes a heart failure and the kidney starts to retain salt and water.
The cure of the causes can be on different stages of heart failure problems. The major cause of heart failure is the increase in weight and poor or unhealthy life style. The cure that a person can follow are reduce the symptoms in this case reduce weight, relieve stress as stress also causes abnormal increase or decrease in health and weight, change in the life style, reduce or even stop the intake of alcohol, medications for the prevention of going towards heart failure, intake of healthy food which includes less salt and exercise on a regular basis moderately....................
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In order to evaluate the patient’s conditions, the patient should go through a number of tests which are blood test, chest X-ray, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Echocardiogram, Stress test, Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Coronary angiogram and Myocardial biopsy. The doctor has to evaluate the results of the tests and then have to prescribe the cure and precautions for the patient........................
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