The challenge presented is to identify which of the four is the wheel that is simulated. The members of the Pelayo family believe they've identified three wheels that are imperfect after weeks spent recording spin results at their local casino. They wish to be certain that the three wheels they identified as imperfect are readily distinguishable from a theoretically perfect wheel, before they start betting.
This case has been used in Darden's MBA elective about data analysis. That class introduced pivot tables and the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test using the case "The Roulette Wheel." Discussion of "The Pelayo Family Plays Roulette" likely will not require a complete class period. One alternative would be to hand out the case during the discussion of "The Roulette Wheel" as something of a follow on.
The Pelayo Family Plays Roulette The Prequel Case Study Solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION