The Global Health Initiative (GHI) is a three-way partnership between the North-West University, a nonprofit donors and commercial companies diagnostics. GHI tries to bridge the gap between the market for sophisticated medical diagnostic equipment in the rich countries and the need for point-of-care diagnostics in resource-limited settings. In 2006, GHI has narrowed its focus on the diagnosis of HIV infection for enough people. The case is considered accurate access compromise associated with the deployment of child diagnosis of HIV in Tanzania. Tanzania has the HIV / AIDS problem, especially in children. Beginning in 2007, Tanzania, an estimated 140,000 HIV-infected children. Existing laboratory-based diagnostic equipment was either not accurate for use in infants or require highly skilled medical professionals. Limited infrastructure Tanzania also have to choose between health care workers providing advanced by a minority of the population and provide minimal care for most with limited access. MBA Kellogg student study team performed more than thirty interviews in the country to collect data on the perception of interested parties three children test concepts: test strips, compression test, and the test filter paper. In all three tests, access decreases with increasing accuracy and rural laboratories are not able to find or afford health care professionals are qualified to conduct the test. In general, respondents are closely linked to the government preferred the accuracy of access. Unlike private medical institutions were to follow the rules and less privileged access to accurate. The case focuses on the decisions facing Kara Palamountain, executive director of the GHI, in its deployment recommendations for infant HIV testing in Tanzania. It examines the key factors that work in developing countries, including the need to work in the absence of adequate market research to balance the competing programs of various stakeholders, and mitigating external risks, such as the major international funding dries. "Hide
by Kara Palamountain, Sachin Waikar, Andrea Hanson, Katherine Nelson Source: Kellogg School Management 4 pages. Publication Date: December 31, 2008. Prod. #: KEL384-PDF-ENG